Missouri Wellness​

The Missouri Behavioral Health Council and the Missouri Department of Mental Health are sponsoring this website for champions of health and wellness. On this website you will find health and wellness articles, news, videos, and webinars. You can find documents from trainings, meeting minutes, activities, PowerPoints, etc. If there is any information you would like to see on the website or if you have documents you would like to share, please contact Katie Horstman.
If you are having trouble viewing this site or logging into a password protected tab, it is due to compatibility issues. This website is not compatible with Internet Explorer 8 or lower. In order to view the site correctly you will need to download the latest version of Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, or Firefox.
This is a public site. However, there is a log-in for the Wellness Coach Trainers, Healthcare Home Directors, Disease Management, and My Way to Health Trainers. If you need access to this information, please contact Katie Horstman, khorstman@mobhc.org.

"Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant."
- Robert Louis Stevenson